
<aside> 🔗 Result · Archived


Result in a nutshell

  1. I assembled the landing page for the semi-annual report of the aggregator of bank and insurance reviews.
  2. Created the data visualization: chose and drew charts for desktop, tablet, and mobile.
  3. The landing page helped to find new clients and close two deals.


Sravni.ru helps to choose financial services: deposits, credit cards, insurance, and more.

They needed to create a semi-annual report to attract new customers.

I made the landing page for desktop and phone and chose and drew charts. The sravni.ru team gave me the landing page structure, text, and data.


Sravni.ru gave statistics on the leading companies for the past six months. I divided it into six types of data to show:

  1. One parameter of different companies.
  2. Two-parameter comparisons.
  3. Percentage of the total.
  4. Geography.